The valley is a downland area on the eastern edge of Brighton. Over 90 hectares (220 acres) are open to the public. You can wander freely ­ take a walk, fly a kite, picnic ­ enjoy a sense of open countryside very close to the city. Activities are organised by the Friends of Sheepcote Valley with the Council’s Countryside Team. These include “Early Bird” walks, butterfly walks and a chance to try your hand at conservation work such as tree planting, scrub clearance or building picnic tables. (Look out for details on the notice boards.)

How to get there   Walking in the Valley

Mammals and other animals
If you walk quietly and use your eyes and ears, the possibilities of what you might discover are endless. Foxes are often seen in daytime, year round. Although badgers are more shy, you might surprise upon them late on a summer evening. You may even be lucky enough to see a sleek and shiny mother weasel followed by her brood of kittens. In summer, look closely on the plants and flowers around you. They are alive with insects, that, in turn, provide food for the birds. You will see hundreds of butterflies. There may be a slowworm sunning itself on a bare patch of pathway, or a lizard. Don't forget to listen as well. Despite being so close to the edge of the city, the sounds you will hear are birdsong, particularly larks, or the chirping of crickets and grasshoppers.

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